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Tours to the super-safe and stunningly beautiful Isla Mujeres have increased massively this past week despite it currently being the low season for the Mexican Caribbean. Despite being an island destination boasting a super-relaxed vibe, Isla Mujeres is just a 20-minute ferry ride from Cancun and serviced by a huge fleet of licensed and regulated …

Read More about Why This Stunning Island Near Cancun Is More Than Just A Day Trip

It’s official – the season of “revenge travel” is well and truly over, and the dawn of “do nothing” vacations is once again upon us, with Cancun being the perfect place to enjoy one. Where during the last couple of years, travelers were keen to visit all the places, do all the things and enjoy …

Read More about Travelers Are Seeking “Do Nothing” Vacations, Here’s Why Cancun Is Perfect For That