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The Mexican Caribbean is once again proving to be one of the leading travel destinations worldwide this summer. With millions of tourists expected to visit the region over the following months, authorities are on alert over a rising trend: fake travel package scams and other online crimes targeting tourists. With scammers using increasingly sophisticated methods, …

Read More about Follow These Tips To Prevent Travel Booking Fraud In Cancun And The Mexican Caribbean

Cancun’s taxi drivers have attracted negative attention in past months over unfair practices such as overcharging, a problem often faced by visitors. With more reports of abusive pricing, local authorities are paying more attention to the issue with at least 60 Cancun taxi drivers facing sanctions in the past month alone.  According to local authorities, …

Read More about 60 Cancun Taxi Drivers Fined For Overcharging Passengers

Although taxis are a popular way of getting around in Cancun, visitors are often faced with issues ranging from long lines to unlicensed drivers. One of the most common complaints faced by locals and tourists alike is overcharging; here’s what you should keep in mind if confronted with this problem, and what to do to …

Read More about What To Do If Cancun Taxi Drivers Overcharge You

The summer vacation season in Cancun is in full swing, and with numerous hotels reporting record occupancy rates, many tourists are seeking more affordable options. For some, the growing availability of online private rentals has been a massive advantage. However, scams targeting visitors are also on the rise, with a 40% increase recorded in the …

Read More about Tourists Urged To Be Cautious As Vacation Rental Scams Up 40 Percent In Cancun